Outlaw diplomates (full documentary)

Interdiction to seize the bank accounts, to penetrate their residences, to open the luggages, to worry any member of the personnel of an embassy and even of his …

This video is brought to you by Kokula Krishna Hari Kunasekaran! Visit Website or Follow back at @kkkhari

České jazykolamy v podání amerických diplomatů / Czech Tongue Twisters By American Diplomats

Poslechněte si, jak říkají američtí diplomaté “strč prst skrz krk” a další jazykolamy. Watch the video showing our effort to learn and speak Czech! It also shows the …

This video is brought to you by Kokula Krishna Hari Kunasekaran! Visit Website or Follow back at @kkkhari

Diplomates hors-la-loi – Reportage

Interdiction de saisir les comptes bancaires, de pénétrer dans les domiciles, d’ouvrir les bagages, d’inquiéter tout membre du personnel d’une ambassade et …

This video is brought to you by Kokula Krishna Hari Kunasekaran! Visit Website or Follow back at @kkkhari