5 Ramifications Of Enabling Presidential Behaviors?

Whether one supports him, and the policies, he articulates, or opposes them, most would probably agree, President Donald Trump's behavior, rhetoric, attitude, and relationships, with others, is seemingly, dissimilar, to any, witnessed before, from his predecessors (in recent memory). When one occupies the White House, his words, generally, have potential ramifications, into the future, in a relevant, sustainable manner! In addition, we have never before, witnessed, as many instances, of other public officials, either, consciously, or accidentally, enabling these types of behavior. This is true, whether it relates to affecting Constitutional guarantees, international relationships, the need for a timely response to the dangers of Climate Change, protecting our environment, or many others areas! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 of these ramifications, and why, it's important to take notice, before it's too late.

1. Limits of Executive Power: When he was running for office, Mr. Trump, famously, proclaimed, he was so popular, he could shoot, and kill someone, on Fifth Avenue, and get away with it! Unfortunately, since becoming President of the United States, he has progressively, seemed to attempt to expand, the powers of the Executive Branch. He has surrounded himself, by individuals, who enable him, and this behavior, by proclaiming, our Chief Executive, has the expanded rights, etc! If, as it appears to many, he goes, unpunished, regardless of the several, revealed instances, of excessive, improper behavior, such as regarding, Ukraine, Russia, China, North Korea, as well as his rhetoric and actions, domestically, in terms of seemingly, trying to ignore protecting all the liberties, justice, and freedoms, for everyone, instead of trying to pick, and choose!

2. Balance of Powers: Our Founding Fathers believed we needed, a Balance of Powers, with co – equal branches of government, from the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches. President Trump has seemed to ignore these, by appointing judges, the Bar Association, deem unqualified, simply because they agree with his personal / political agenda, and / or, self – interest, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has enabled him, because of his apparent political preferences, etc. By denying documents, and forbidding testimony, from people in his administration, during the Impeachment hearings, etc, he has continued this trend, and the Senators and Congressmen, from his political party, have seemed to choose politics, over policy, and national interest .

3. Emoluments: The Emoluments Clause, was created, to ensure, no President would benefit, financially, from his entanglements, but, again, this President, has maintained control and operation, of many of his businesses, including the hotels, which so many, seem to be staying at, in order to demonstrate their loyalty, to the man!

4. Ethics: Shouldn't we expect, and demand, more, and better, behavior, integrity, and ethics, than we've witnessed, since January 20, 2017?

5. Respect for the Constitution: If we start to, only, care about those parts of the Constitution, which benefit us, personally (or any personal / political position), what type of precedent, does that set? This means, all aspects, and, since, the House of Representatives, holds responsibility, for federal expenditures, etc, when the President changes the allocation (such as transferring monies to his Wall), the future might possess many negative ramifications!

We need to elect public officials, who put the public, and quality policies, based on our heritage and Constitutional guarantees, ahead of any personal / political agenda, and / or, self – interest! If, people, merely enable questionable behavior and action, by prioritizing, either politics, and / or, their fears / greed, there will certainly be future, undesirable ramifications!

Source by Richard Brody

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