I Predict the President Will Outline a Huge Tax Increase, and That Most Americans Will Support It


I predict that in order to reduce the Federal deficit, pay for extraordinary government spending on defense and infrastructure, protect the viability of Social Security, fund a substantial tax cut for low and middle class citizens and diminish the growing wealth gap between the vast majority of Americans and the 1 percent, a one-time tax on estate values ​​over 15 million dollars will be introduced by the Trump Administration the end of the year.

The wealth tax will be applied to personal assets, including owner-occupied housing; cash, bank deposits, money market funds, savings in insurance and pension plans, investment in real estate and unincorporated businesses and corporate stock, financial securities and personal trusts. However, liabilities (primarily mortgages and other loans) will be deducted from wealth accountability. For this reason, the one time levy might more accurate be termed a net wealth tax.

I hope Trump and his minions will expand the basic idea to a variable one-time wealth tax. While it should begin with a 15% tax on net wealth of 15 million dollars, it should increase as follows:

  • 25% over 20 million.
  • 30% over 30 "
  • 35% over 40 "
  • 40% over 50 "
  • 45% over 60 "
  • 50% over 70 "
  • 60% over 80 "
  • 70% over 90 "
  • 75% over 100 "
  • 80% over 500 "
  • 50% over 1 billion dollars

I'm not sure it would be a good idea to go further than this. The super 1 percenters might Swift Boat me and the merits of the net wealth tax prognostication if extended beyond a billion dollars. Besides, I don't want to be the Eugene Debs or Upton Sinclair of wellness, though of course I admire both immensely.

There are vastly more taxpayers whose net wealth is far below even the lowest net tax rate foreseen in the expected Trump proposal. Once this plan gains escape velocity, that is, gets the kind of attention a single Trump tweet attracts on Twitter, there will be no stopping it. Any legislator opposing it will be defeated; Fox News commentators and other critics will lose caste.

You may be surprised to learn that Donald Trump himself proposed a one-off 14.25% wealth tax on the net worth of individuals and trusts worth $ 10 million or more in 1999. Trump claimed that his proposal would generate $ 5.7 trillion in new taxes, which could be used to eliminate the national debt.

I'm told by Robert Miles, an expert on the sage of Omaha and one of the most respected investors ever, Warren Buffett, that Mr. Buffett is likely to favor the realization of the Ardell prognostication and the Ardell Rules re tax rates for the very wealthy. Warren Buffett put forward a not too dissimilar idea as part of a tax plan proposed by President Barack Obama in 2011. The plan would have applied a minimum tax rate of 30 percent on individuals making more than one million dollars a year.

According to a White House official, the new tax rate would have directly affected 0.3 percent of taxpayers.

Buffett Rule: Raise $ 20 billion from ultra rich (50,000 earning $ 1,000,000 +) by requiring 30% tax rate (same as middle class). Buffett Rule net effect: Lower 20 million struggling families tax burden by $ 1,000 each.

As an aside, Buffett solves the budget deficit in 5 minutes (actually in a 43 second video):

George Will recently lamented the kind of society being bandied about in current (and past) futuristic novels. He observed that they foresee a government system of transfer of income from those who do things to those who don't. That, he says, suggests that one half of the country would support the other half.

An associate named Bruce Midgett thinks this is right in theory, wrong in the numbers. It's more like ten percent of the country would support the other ninety percent – as they damn well should be expected to do. Their wealth was not accumulated in a vacuum. Bruce added this to the conversation "

However, others see little choice – it will follow logically. The late Harold Tascher as early as the mid-50's suggested that, with continued rapid technology advances and business growth, the labor force needed to sustain a healthy and growing national economy cannot reach full employment. This will require some restructuring in ways wealth is acquired and disposed of to ensure dignity for all citizens. Tascher believed the combined wealth of the country could easily provide for this contingency without placing hardships on anyone.

Another, Warren Buffett, noted that we will need fewer and fewer people in our labor force to produce the products and services for our economic needs in the future. Buffett went on to suggest that the only solution to that situation was a progressive system of taxation that recognized the fact that some people will wish to be in the labor force and others will rather go fishing. He also connected that the nation had more than enough combined wealth to undertake such a conversion to accommodate such an eventuality.

None of these propositions strips anyone of the possibility of earning obscene amounts of income or legacy wealth. We know the problem; we have the need. We have the wealth to solve the problem and address the need. And please, labels be damned. Call it what you will, but assess it for what it is – consideration for the value of every individual and an effort to up that value to its fullest potential for both that individuals and society.

It will be interesting to see how the conservatives respond to this concept, if Trump puts it forward as I predict he will. If he wants money to spend for needed programs, he has little choice.

Source by Donald Ardell

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Here's Why You Are Inadvertently a Huge Trump Supporter

Perhaps there has never been such disdain for a president of the US as there has been for President Trump. While the majority of the US population voted for his opponent, Hilary Clinton, the electorate votes made Trump the winner. Therefore, more than half of the US citizens opposed President Trump from the beginning. Yet, in their desire to invalidate him, they will ensure he is re-elected.

President Trump is a businessman. While many will argue whether or not he is successful, it is fair to say he makes a living conducting various types of business deals. When you combine that with his attitude towards deregulation and tax cuts, the business community, including Wall Street, is quite enthusiastic about him being in the White House. As a result, in less than one year, $ 5 trillion has been added to the US economy. And the stock market has performed better during his presidency than it has ever in the stock market's 200-year history.

In addition, they are predicting the economy will have strong growth over the coming four years. With that said, it would seem people would favor a president who is good for the economy.

Well, some people are enraged by comments President Trump makes in the media, including Twitter. And women, immigrants and some minorities say they feel alienated by him. Those enraged people seem to have made it their mission to find a reason to impeach President Trump. To do that, they have to stay abreast of every move he makes.

That means people are reading every tweet he makes. They read every article in favor or against him. And they are watching everything the television has to say about him. For the media, that means more people reading the paper and watching TV. There is also an increase in on-line traffic to stay on top of the latest incident that could lead to possible impeachment of President Trump.

As you can imagine, the President has become a godsend for sinking ratings on network television. As president, he has most likely outperformed his high ratings from his show The Apprentice. What does that do for the media?

I will assume there are more people buying and subscribing to newspapers since President Trump was nominated to the Republican Party than in the past several years. I assert there are people who, in the past, did not care much for politics who are now buying papers and magazines they ignored before the 2016 election. With more newspapers sold, the papers can make the case for why companies should advertise in their publication. That also makes it possible for them to charge more to advertise.

That kind of stimulus will require print media to buy more paper. Furthermore, print and television will be motivated to hire more sales people. That means since President Trump took office, more jobs were created. As advertising increases on-line, TV and print, more people are hired to create the ads. With increased ad pricing, there is more disposable income from price increases and additional jobs. Those people will buy clothes, cars, houses, washers and dryers, carpet, vacations, etc. All that activity stimulates the economy and more job creation – the multiplier effect.

However, this all occurs from the people who claim to dislike the elected President of the United States, Donald Trump. That hatred has sparked so much activity that it actually has stimulated the economy. At the end of four years, President Donald Trump will have a fantastic story of enormous proportions. He will be able to say he has stimulated the economy better than any president in the history of the US. And it will be all because of you.

Source by Ted Santos

This article is brought to you by Kokula Krishna Hari Kunasekaran! Visit Website or Follow back at @kkkhari