Promises – Is It Okay to Break Them?

In politics people don't always keep their promises. In the 2010 election to the House of Commons, all the Liberal Democrat Party candidates took a pledge to oppose any increase in university tuition fees and to campaign for their abolition. However, after forming a coalition government with the Conservatives, 21 of 57 Liberal Democrat MPs voted to increase the fees.

Former US President Barack Obama vowed repeatedly during the 2008 election to close the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba, but the prison remained open during the wholeety of his Presidency. I suspect most of us realize that election promises have to be later shaped by expediency and compromise.

But what about the serious promises we make in our personal lives? Those made to people we know concerning all sorts of matters. Is it okay to break our own promises?

Contractual promises
The law does not always enforce promises. I might renege on a verbal agreement to sell my house to you because a better offer came along. There is no easy way of you proving in law that you have been gazumped if I signed nothing.

However, usually a person, who is in breach of contract, is liable to compensate the other party. The fear of having to pay out a lot money may make one keep one's agreement.

But non-legal promises can also be difficult to get out of. Who wants to be seen as unreliable for not keeping their word? A reputation as an honest person is easily lost and hard to recover. The world is quick to judge.

Pragmatic considerations
The question about keeping or breaking one's promises usually relates to non-contracted promises. What is the significance for oneself and others and the circumstances in which one considers breaking them?

In his book How to Make Good Decisions and Be Right All the Time , Iain King suggests that promises should be kept 'unless they are worth less to others than a new option is to you.' He reckons this requires a relevant, unforeseen and reasonably unforeseeable change in the situation. A change that is judged to be more important than the promise itself. Rash promises made in a state of enthusiasm or on in the impulse of the moment are an clear case in point. On the other hand, some of us are experts in self-justification to suit our desires. Deciding the rights and wrongs about changing one's mind is probably often quite complex. What higher principles might help our decision making?

Implicit promises
We don't consider our social obligations as promises because they are not ordinarily spelt out. For example, most of us probably feel a strong debt to our parents and duty to our children. Many feel a responsibility to support their favorite charitable body.

We may vary in our sense of patriotic ties to our country. However, people usually have some level of commitment towards those they work, play and live with. For many of us reasonable feelings of guilt can arise when we go against this ethic.

In his book The Soul of the World, philosopher Roger Scruton has pointed out that many of the relations that are most important to us involve a kind of unconditional giving to the other person. An attitude of expecting something back but not demanding it. In other words, we behave as if we have made a promise to do good for people we know. And to do so not based on what we can necessarily get out of it. This implicit promise varies in strength according to how close we are to the person. We will want to think twice before breaking it. It helps protect society against the forces of selfish desire.

Oaths and vows as promises
Courts of justice expect special honesty from individuals giving testimony. So, they ask them to take an oath on say the Bible as a sacred object. Traditionally, what is sacred is connected to the idea of ​​God. For many people today, what is sacred might be the principle or ethic of say the life force in nature, virtue, compassion, truth, or beauty. In giving an oath, we call upon something sacred to bear witness to what we are saying to show our sincerity.

In contrast to an oath, when making a vow we are making our promise to and thus directly addressing some entity that we venerate. So, there is now a heightened commitment and risk of betrayal if we don't keep our promise.

"All I did was pray to God, every day. In prison camp, the main prayer was, 'Get me home alive, God, and I'll seek you and serve you.' I came home, got wrapped up in the celebration, and forgot about the hundreds of promises I'd made to God. " Louis Zamperini (World War II veteran, and Olympic distance runner)

People make what they consider as other sacred vows eg to uphold justice, defend their country, and some make vows of poverty, chastity or abstinence from alcohol. Breaking solemnly made promises of this sort might have huge consequences for one's sense of honor and well-being.

Marriage vows
In our secular times in Britain, 50% of marriages fail. Prospective partners are wary of entering into a commitment for life which could end up this way. And so, marriage vows have been starting to fall out of fashion. Instead prenuptual agreements are starting to emerge. You can re-negotiate such a contract. One might wonder if a society no longer insists on the vows of marriage, does it offer less security to the children of such relationships?

Conclusion about promises
The rights and wrongs of breaking a promise seems to me to hang on our motivation. Would breaking a promise to someone make good sense in the longer run, be in keeping with personal integrity or meet a higher need? Or would it merely meet the demands of the moment, destroy a trusting relationship, or be self-serving?

Source by Stephen Russell-Lacy

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Mr Trump, Keep Your Campaign Promises If You Expect to Be Re-Elected

When a Presidential candidate, any Presidential candidate, campaigns and makes promises to those US citizens of the national electorate who support him, or her, and end-up voting for that candidate, those voters expect that person to make good on those campaign promises. Currently, Donald J. Trump is floundering terribly during his first year as US President in fulfilling the promises he made to the Republican, Tea Party, and independent voters who upset the 2017 Presidential Election by electing him; and by keeping a corrupt Democrat from being elected. Those voters are also the ones who elected a majority of Republicans into the US House of Representatives and the US Senate. Trump's very descriptive language that he has used in describing what he intended to do as US President and Chief Executive in order to eliminate the federal status quo in Washington, DC, such as "drain the swamp," and "rid the republic of the political swamp creatures (illicit politician) "who have corrupted the federal government, excited those voters who placed him into office. These hard-working rank-and-file patriots have looked forward to a dynamic shifting of Constitutional power back to the States, in accordance with the 10th Amendment, from an abusive and regulatory federal government. Yet, this vision of a severe reduction of federal power and regulation has not been realized since Trump took office, and the President's promises to end illegal immigration, to build a Southern border wall, to end DACA, and the many other specified set during his campaign, which are of paramount concern to Republican and Tea Party voters, have not been kept.

Mr. Trump needs to fully realize that what he was given by concerned Republican, Tea Party, and independent voters was not only a 2017 win as US President, but also, and much more importantly, a mandate to keep his promises. That is, Trump needs to realize the salient and perilous fact that, if he wants to be reelected to a second term as President, and continue to enjoy the support of a republican controlled Congress, he's going to have to change the way he's doing things . Currently, as of Friday, March 23, 2018, President Trump needs to understand that he will definitely lose the support of those Republican, Tea Party, and independent voters who elected him in 2017 if he signs into law the $ 1.3 trillion spending bill that has been passed by the Republican-controlled House and Senate. But that's not all he will lose! His signing of this bill into law will allow the liberal opposing minority party to get everything it wants, which will be inexorably detrimental to the republic. Above all, signing of this bill will diminish the support of those many Trump voters in a Republican congress and assure the retaking by the Democrats of a majority status in the House and the Senate during the mid-term elections.

Mr. Trump desperately needs to learn from, and heed, the history of the splendid lesson set by the great President Andrew Jackson during the time he served two presidential terms, from 1829 to 1837. The significant lesson that Jackson provided to future presidential candidates, through his deportment as President, was, "keep your campaign promises." I have compared Donald Trump to Andrew Jackson in their bids, during different centuries, for the Presidency and the winning of the confidence of the common voter, and there are numerous similarities. The comparison set forth one very important similarity, which was Trump's independent voice calling for change during his campaign. Andrew Jackson campaigned primarily on the evil of the Bank of the United States, the forerunner to the Federal Reserve Act, and Trump campaigned on the evils of illegal immigration, DACA, and unconstitutional federal regulatory power. Jackson's campaign promises to de-charter, and end, the Bank of the United States made sense to the voters in 1829, and Trump's vow to end illegal immigration by building a wall, by ending DACA, and the draining of the federal swamp, or Washington, DC, made great sense to many more voters in 2017, Republicans, Democrats, the Tea Party, and independents. By keeping his campaign promises, Andrew Jackson won reelection in 1833, and Mr. Trump must realize that he was elected to do the job that he represented, during his campaign, he was going to do. The President needs to stop trying to entertain his constituency with his colorful bargaining motif and his television savvy. He needs, rather, to get serious about doing what he was elected to do, and remember that he's in a dirty swamp that drastically needs to be drained, and its creatures eliminated, not Las Vegas, and that he's the President, and not Wayne Newton.

Source by Norton Nowlin

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A College Student Hates Trump and Promises To Vote For Clinton – Why? It Might Not Surprise You Much

Not long ago, I met a nice and pleasant college student studying at Starbucks, she goes to the local 4-year State University here. Well, I thought she was a nice and polite college student until she started talking about her politics. Let me give you a run-down on all this because as a baby-boomer I am quite frankly a little appalled by the sense of entitlement going on with kids in college these days.

You see, she told me she wanted to vote for Bernie Sanders because she liked what he promised about health care and tuition free college, that is to say Free College for Everyone. Okay, lots of people feel this way but isn’t it just a bit self-serving – to vote for someone so you can get free stuff that everyone else will have to pay for? Of course this vote-buying game is something that the Democrats engage in early and often – and socialist leaning candidates around the world use this strategy as they come into power as populist leaders.

Since, Hillary Clinton is the nominee now, she said; “I am definitely voting for Hillary!” and “I like what she stands for with gays, minorities, free health care and college,” besides she is a Democrat nominee. I asked her what she thought about how Team Clinton and the DNC worked to shut out her former favorite candidate, a very deceptive and dishonest move. She told me; “That’s politics!” Really, a college student suddenly thinks she knows everything about politics? Also, where on Earth is her loyalty? No loyalty as long as she gets free-college tuition and doesn’t have to pay back here student loans.

And guess what, this sentiment is hardly uncommon. Did you know that college loan defaults have skyrocketed since the Democrats started talking about “Free Tuition” during this 2016 Presidential Election? It’s true, it jumped over 10%. The Wall Street Journal in an article titled; “More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments – New figure raises worries that millions of them may never repay more than $200 billion owed,” by John Mitchell April 2016. Well, thanks a lot Bernie and Hillary, thanks for your undermining of yet another important sector of our society. The article stated:

“While most have since left school and joined the workforce, 43% of the roughly 22 million Americans with federal student loans weren’t making payments as of Jan. 1, according to a quarterly snapshot of the Education Department’s $1.2 trillion student-loan portfolio,” and “About 1 in 6 borrowers, or 3.6 million, were in default on $56 billion in student debt, meaning they had gone at least a year without making a payment, 3-million more owing roughly $66 billion were at least a month behind.”

Since many of these student loans are backed by the tax-payer and the rest turn out to be part of citizen’s stock portfolio, we are shifting all the current costs and past defaults to older Americans. Lastly, I’d like to add something here. Whenever the government helps create a “bubble” in any sector of our economy, it always double-downs and makes it worth, fails to rectify the problem, this is going to be a disaster.

Further, if college tuition becomes free, and if the government is involved, trust me; that is all it is going to be worth. And the Democrats they are busy attacking Donald Trump for his Trump University? Give me a break. It’s time for the Democrats to come clean on this problem they’ve created and stop promising things they cannot do. Didn’t they learn from ObamaCare?

Source by Lance Winslow

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